Gas operated Preheat/Dry-off ovens
Used to insure that parts and fixtures are thoroughly dry.
- Combustion systems designed to current safety code requirements.
- Reduces process heat up time required
- Outer steel shell is insulated and fitted with a steel or stainless steel inner liner.
- Automatic heating with temperature and over-temperature control systems

Steel, stainless steel and plastic lined tanks are used as wash tanks and for surface treatment of heat treated parts.
- Custom designs fabricated for project requirements
- Constructed of industrial quality materials for long life
- Tanks can be equipped with gas, electric or steam heating systems, air or electric agitators, level monitors, thermocouples, etc as required.

Control panels
Custom control and switchgear designs built by our Control panel division Central Panel Inc.
Upgrades and repairs are available for older units.
- Power components such as current transformers, control voltage transformers SCR’s or contactors, motor starters or VFDs, circuit breakers, and all other components necessary to power your furnace.
- Indicating and control components including start, stop and cycle pushbuttons, relays, ammeters, and temperature measurement and instrumentation.
- Remote displays for digital components
- Optional remote access via the internet for Ajax customer assistance
- Optional connections for offsite monitoring of alarms by customer’s security service.

Econosal salt reclamation system
Closed loop system to recycle quench salts
- Recovery of up to 93% of nitrate-nitrite salts lost during salt bath heat treatment.
- Eliminates discharge of dissolved salts into sewage system by recovering salt and evaporating the water
- Consists of a reactor distillation vessel located at the furnace, conductivity sensor, flow control valves and a heavy duty brine circulation pump.